How To Get Lucky Playing at Casino – Gambling is about luck. Anyone who has ever gambled in a casino or on a racetrack bet on horse racing, or played poker, blackjack, or any other game of chance knows this. Some people are luckier than others, and this is why the old adage “I’d rather have good luck than bad” applies to gambling. It’s amazing how true this is. Good luck will get you through anything.
Most people believe that it is impossible for anyone to change their fate or fortune. However, this may not be true. Science has shown that people can win more often than they lose. Professor Dean Radin researched the results of casino gambling data for four years in his book “The Conscious Universe”. He wanted to find a correlation between the phase and strength of the earth’s geomagnetic field, as well as the percentage of casino payouts. Earth’s geomagnetic field is usually weakest during a full moon. Professor Radin believes that there may be a connection between the magnetic fields of the Earth and the moon, as well as human psychic abilities and gambling.
Professor Radin mentions in his book that psychic abilities are more active during the full moon. However, their ability to sense the future seems to decrease during the quarter moon and then increase during the new moon. Four years of online casino data show that payouts for most casino games decline during a full moon. This could also be explained by fluctuations in psychic abilities. Our intuition and psychic abilities can help us win. This could be because we can predict which slot machine will pay out or whether the blackjack table 13 will pay out, or which horse will win the race. Intuition can be used to the poker player’s advantage.
He concluded that gamblers who avoided the quarter moon would be less likely to lose or profit if they gambled during the full moon. This is just a generalization, and should not be construed as a motivating factor to gamble. However, they offer a promise to understand how to be lucky.
The trend is different for lotteries. Pick 3 lotteries seem to pay out more during a quarter month than they do during a full moon. Once again, fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field seem to have an impact. While the strength or phase of the Earth’s magnetic field won’t guarantee you a win, it might be a good idea to start tracking your winning and losing days using a calendar.
Research also shows that people who have a positive outlook and hope to win win more often. Makes sense, right? You can make positive choices if you hope to win. If you are looking for a table at a blackjack casino, and you expect to lose, then you should not be too picky about the table you choose. If you expect to win, you may spend more time picking tables. You can also look for tables where players appear happier and people who smile are more likely to win. While you may not realize it, you can subconsciously do this or any other act simply because you hope to win. Gambling is a complex business. We have many choices, whether we bet on the horse race track, choose a game or place in a casino, or choose lottery numbers.